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Tuesday 21 February 2012

The Business Plan

A business plan typically includes a written overview of the business with a description of the product or service provided, the market served, the competition faced, and the people involved in the business. It should also show financial projections going out three to five years, with revenue and expenses detailed monthly for one year. 
In the coming week we shall work on generating creative, innovative, business ideas. Followed by a chain of exercises/assignments which you guys should be submitting regularly at my office.   The assignments will serve as piece meal approaches to developing your bankable business plans. The assignments will be published on the EDMODO Learning Portal.  You are encouraged to discuss them with each other and assist one another in any way possible!  This ladies and gents is going to be a lot of work so please fasten your seat belts as we are about to rocket take off!
I shall as promised put up the clinic times.  You are however encouraged to talk to me anytime and anywhere you see me on and outside cumpus.

1 comment:

  1. The Business Planning Module students, are you getting your stuff on EDMODO as promised? Next week is going to be quiet packed with activities so do sort yourselves out with the registration quick because if you arent registered by next week you are ......x*&^%^^(&%!
