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Monday 5 March 2012

The Observer Group

Welcome to the Observer Group!  Yet another set of of students who are privileged to access learning materials through our two dedicated learning web portals.

The Observer Group represents over 100 students who are also taking the Entrepreneurship Theory Module, who are not under my direct supervision, who, however, will find these two learning portals as informative and supportive as the rest of the other students do.

The Observer Group, feel free to interact with all other students you may come across on this blogspot.  I have set up a dedicated EDMODO group for you on the EMODO learning portal.  Your registration code is 16e3d5.  I have made available to you supporting learning material that was previously only available to the groups under my supervision.  Please feel free to initiate and engage in any discussions you may find on the both learning portals.

We wish you happy surfing and hope you will find the same joy in using these tools as we all are!